Step 8.

At the end of row of cottages bear left for 250 m to reach West Street. Go right and the Half Moon car park is 250 m on the left. You have now completed Walk 8.

Step 7.

After 200 m, at the grass triangle, go left into Camden Road, then bear right at Camden Orchard.

Step 6.

At gate go ahead into tarmac track and follow to emerge on to Langport Road opposite the Sports Field. Turn left pass Gassons Lane and after 250 m take the next right, West End.

Step 5.

Turn left, cross with care and turn right into Cartway Lane. Just beyond “Freshfields”, (with road to left), go right through gate by new houses along broad grassy track.

Step 4.

Continue along tarmac road. First 150 m beside railway, then round a sharp left bend. Continue 750 m to Langport Road.

Step 3.

Fork right into lane, (7.5t restriction). After 400 m ignore left turn, but bear round right to bridge over railway with view of tunnel to left.

Step 2.

After 400 m go ahead at staggered crossroads. Cross the railway bridge and continue with care 200 m to right fork by a seat just beyond the Somerton entry sign.

Step 1.

Leave Half Moon car park and turn right along West Street. After 100 m at fork by the post box go left along Sutton Road.

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