Step 6.

Go left and follow the track, ascending gently to reach West Street. Go left for 20 m and Half Moon car park is over the road. You have now completed Walk 9.

Step 5.

Go right and follow, descending gradually. 100 m beyond Bedlands Gate Farm ascend steep steps on right, (signposted West Street). At top of steps, bear left and follow path along edge of fields to reach a gate leading to a track.

Step 4.

After 500 m enter enclosed track for 100 m to junction. Go left for 30 m, through gate and continue, now with hedge on right. At end of field enter track for 100m to reach road.

Step 3.

Continue ahead for 1.3 km to a junction by Trout Cottage. Turn left and follow lane for 1.5 km to a junction close to quarry. Go left for 300 m then right through Bristol gate and along path, keeping hedge on right.

Step 2.

After 200 m turn left into Great Western Lane and continue through housing development. Follow the road as it bears left under the railway bridge and continue ahead ascending gently for 800 m to a crossroads.

Step 1.

Leave Half Moon car park and go right along West Street. At The Triangle by post box, fork left, (Sutton Road).

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