Step 14.

Continue ahead past The Globe and The White Hart pubs into West St. Continue for 300 m to reach your starting point, the Half Moon car park, on the right. You have reached the end of Walk 1.

Step 13.

Continue ahead past the Police Station to reach the Market Place.

Step 12.

Go left for 100m to reach metal gate and 10m to right, go through kissing gate and follow tarmac path to emerge in The Millands.

Step 11.

After 150 m go right along grassy track, (signposted Public Footpath), beside house and cross small bridge to gate. Ascend field with hedge on left for 100m to reach and cross stile.

Step 10.

Turn left, 900 m to junction, then left a few metres and cross into Lower Somerton.

Step 9.

Follow 500 m, descending gently along edge of woodland and follow where it turns sharply left by gates, then bear left 100 m to gap by fingerpost in corner of field to tarmac road.

Step 8.

Go through copse, across sleeper bridge and straight across field on well-defined path. At the top of the field go through hedge gap, do not go into field but take narrow waymarked track 20 m on right.

Step 7.

Pass second gate and follow clear path 250 m to far left corner of the field.

Step 6.

Cross with care and go left for 100m along grass verge to gate (signposted Huish Rd).

Step 5.

Walk 400m to crossroads just beyond quarry. Go ahead 300m to reach B3151 at Keeper’s Cottage.

Step 4.

Go through the gate and after 30 m turn right along a broad grass track (no sign). Keep hedge on left, ascending gently for 600 m to reach lane. Turn left.

Step 3.

Pass Bedlands Gate Farm and after 50 m turn left into a track, (signposted restricted by-way), which soon becomes a path along the left-hand side of the field. Follow for 300 m.

Step 2.

After 250 m at sharp left bend, go right through waymarked gate and along path at side of field. At end of two fields go through kissing gate, down very steep steps to road and turn left.

Step 1.

Leave Half Moon car park at the western end of West Street, Somerton. Turn left along West Street over bridge and immediately right, (signposted Public Footpath), down a narrow tarmac lane which becomes a stony path.

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