Step 5.
Go left for 20 m to Half Moon car park across the road. You have now completed Walk 10.
Go left for 20 m to Half Moon car park across the road. You have now completed Walk 10.
At junction, go right along lane for 1.3 km to crossroads. Go straight ahead, (low bridge sign) and follow 700 m past Bedlands Gate Farm. 100 m beyond, climb steps on right, (signposted West St). Through kissing gate go left and follow path along fields to reach a gate to a track. Go left and …
Go left along grassy track and into field, keeping hedge on left, 500m to road. Go left for 300 m to first junction and turn right. Follow 1.5 km to reach Trout Cottage.
50 m beyond, go right over stone stile and follow track for 250 m, ascending gently across two fields in shallow valley. At top go through gate 60 m to track junction.
Leave car park and turn left over the railway bridge. Continue along West Street for 200 m. Fork right into Pesters Lane and follow downhill for 400 m to mini-roundabout.