Step 11.
Carefully cross main road to black metal gate and follow footpath parallel to railway for 300 m to reach West Street. Turn right into Half Moon car park. You have now completed walk three. Well done!
Carefully cross main road to black metal gate and follow footpath parallel to railway for 300 m to reach West Street. Turn right into Half Moon car park. You have now completed walk three. Well done!
Continue ahead between fishing lakes. At car park go ahead through gate to ascend a steep footpath. At the top, continue to climb steps. Cross the tarmac road by the beech tree. Follow gravel path 250 m past the cemetery to emerge at main road.
At the gate with view of the viaduct and a stile on left, do not cross stile but immediately go right for 350 m. Firstly with fence on right and then to right of a line of shrubs to reach and cross bridge over River Cary.
Go left with great care for 300 m then turn right into Littleton and after 200 m reach pond. Turn left and go through metal gate to left of buildings and then through small gate into field. Continue with hedge on left roughly parallel to road for 900 m through gates.
Turn left and follow tarmac track for 500 m passing to the right of a modern house, then straight across field on well defined path to reach steps to descend to stile. Cross and go through wooded area. Cross stile on left, then bear right. Continue 550 m with hedge on right to emerge on …
After 300 m along this very busy road, bear left, (signposted Hurcot) and follow the lane alongside and then under the railway as it snakes around the side of the Cary valley. Pass under the bridge and 30 m beyond go straight up the track to left of cottage (no sign), through gate and continue …
Go along the narrow pavement crossing the bridge over the river Cary, with a fine view of the railway viaduct to your left. After 100 m go right, (signposted Lytes Cary).
After 150 m when track joins a tarmac road by building marked “Gas Installation”, go ahead 100 m to T-junction and turn left (signposted Street).
Go straight ahead along New Street for 400 m. Just past the Old School House descend grassy track to left of house called “Cockspurs”.
After 300 m at the Market Place go left through the churchyard passing to right of the church. At churchyard exit, turn right along short path to Cow Square, with its restored Edwardian cattle trough.
Leave Half Moon car park and turn left along West Street.